Methodology and Experiment

Flowers in Chania

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Remove stopwords, lemmatization, stemming

Search System and techniques

BM25, Demographic Filtering. Relevance Boosting with Medical NER

Re-ranking System


Adhoc Query Generation with T5 model

SIGIR query pairs for training, result boosting


Depending on the specific structure of the documents, we perform data preprocessing steps including removing stopwords, lemmatization, and stemming.

Search System

Re-ranking System

Adhoc Query Generation with T5 model

A Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5)-base model is finetuned for query generation. We trained the model on SIGIR (description, ad-hoc) query pairs.

We found that the results often contain excerpts from the description. In addition, we boosted the results for TREC but Synthetic queries performs worse for SIGIR.